Your Privacy
We value your privacy. We have provided a privacy notice to explain our site’s online information collection practices. By using our site, you consent to the terms of this policy and our collection of your IP address, access, and usage data. We may collect information about your IP address, your visits, and your use of this site. We provide our privacy policy on our homepage and make it available whereever personally identifiable information is requested.

Google AdSense and the DoubleClick DART Cookie
We publish Google AdSense advertisements on this website. These are advertisements customized by Google via cookies to display ads on this site. The use of DART cookies by Google permits Google to provide advertisements to visitors that reflect their interests on this website and other websites. You can opt out of the DART cookies by visiting Google at the following url: /privacy_ads.htm. Tracking of users through DART cookies is subject to Google’s internal privacy policies.

Other Third Party ad servers or ad networks may also use cookies to track user’s activities on this website to analyze advertisement effectiveness. Paragrams Partners, LLC has no access or control over the cookies used by third party advertisers.

Collection of Personal Information
When visiting Paragram Partners’ site, the IP address used to access the site will be logged along with the dates and times of access. This data is collected solely to analyze trends and optimize the site. The IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. We collect this information in aggregate datasets to identify broad demographic trends which helps us improve the website.

Links to third party Websites
We have provided links to external sites as a convenience. While we hope to provide our visitors with additional references, we are not liable for the information on these external sites. Additionally, we are not responsible or liable for the privacy policies of these external sites. Please verify the nature of the privacy policies on these sites before providing sensitive information.

Changes to this Privacy Statement
We reserve the right to alter the contents of this privacy policy at any time without notice.